Soul Shattered

by Ali   Jul 17, 2023

I always had trepidations, I always had fear,
That’s why I was always afraid to ever go near,

But with her it felt different and I thought she’s the one,
She gave me all the love and assurance and it was all done,

I surrendered my soul to her and thought she’s my forever,
Little did I know for her I was just a nobody or a whatever,

The lack of faith and trust in me always pinched my heart,
But I knew with time it would fade and its’ just the start,

I always was true to her and never lied about anything,
And why would I lie to spoil when we both were in full spring,

I never slept with her and glad I never did because she was my life,
My intentions were pure as I always saw her as my forever and Wife,

But her insecurities and lack of vision spoiled what we had,
All the lies she believed I can only say its all very very sad,

She could have asked me about it to clarify but she chose not to,
In hindsight I think its for the best and there’s nothing left to do,

What happened has shattered my soul and broken me to the core,
It’s my mistake I loved and trusted someone who was just looking to score,

Through her I learned a life lesson about love and friends as a whole,
That this world is a circus where people break hearts for fun and shatter your soul.


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