When ……

by safachan   Jul 18, 2023

When I was young I used to fear darkness
Frankly I used to fear the creatures that lurked in the nothingness
How my mind was a white canvas giving birth to imageries that served me no good
On days when the dark was so black. Did those creature come out looking for food
I was the Prey that did not ask to be on fed
I was the fool who gave them power in my solitude
Darkness was the lair my fears in brewed
by the eyes that looked at the world with passion over and over screwed
Then one day came pain
maturity and heartbrebreak pouring down on me like acid rain
Taking over the mask of sanity I wore for show
Giving space to the monsters that hid inside since long ago
Empty and full walking down the path of life on my own
In darkness I found the light that on me shone


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