Little monster

by El_Mabini   Sep 4, 2023

You always wake me up
In the middle of the night
And sometimes during dusk
With your loud whinning.

But I never complained.
You always easily calm down
Whenever I held your hand
And hear my humming song.

Whenever I stubbed my toe
Or stepped on your legos,
You giggle, I hissed a little.
And I resisted to curse or whatever

But all is well. You never forgot to ask
If I need some help or an ice pack.
Plus you hug with warmth
And it does help ease the pain.

You annoy me of your stillness
and even your quietness.
Whenever I say stay "put sweety".
It always worries me.

You enjoy little gifts I can only afford.
I always wonder what's on your mind
whenever I leave you something simple
Like a piece of paper plane.

I thought I'll grow old alone.
No one to call home.
But you came along
With the gift of hope to prolong

Years may take you away from me.
Time may put gap to our views
And someday you'll live miles away.
Still, you're mommy's little monster.


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  • 1 year ago

    by Cantchangeme

    Heart warming, human and vulnerable. I’m glad I read this. It made me smile thinking of the little monsters in my life.