I wonder

by Beautiful Tragedy   Sep 18, 2023

I wonder how salty your tears are gonna taste when you finally shed them after I’ve packed my things and left-
If you’re even human enough to do so.
Cold cold man-
Walking around behind a layer of faux armor
while you find yourself at the bottom of multiple beer cans every night;
Unable to handle the stressors and realities of life so you drink them away or worse-
Take them out on someone else.
Three years of my life I dedicated to you-
Probably the worst three so far but I’m young so I guess I’ll make up for the wasted time I spent on your poor excuse of a soul.
Did you sign it away too, when you vowed to destroy everything you could’ve ever possibly loved without knowing it?
Trying to convince the people in front of you that they’re the devil while manipulating them
with the strategically placed knives you dug into their back in order to control the situation.
I almost feel bad for you.
It’s not your fault after all, right?
Your parents clearly didn’t raise a man who is capable of love;
Perhaps your anger should be directed at them for failing you.
Instead you will always take the anger of your deep rooted trauma out on every woman you claim to love-
And then blame them for the misery you cause so you
don’t hurt yourself falling from the pedestal you put yourself on.
It’d be such a shame.
You’re only a reflection of what you think love is.
There is nothing on the inside of you-
You’re a hollowed out corpse made of skin and
bone trying to find some semblance of purpose as to why you’re even here and-
Still trying to figure out how to feel anything except anger even though your life is already half over.
I wonder what will become of you;
Will you drink yourself to death?
Guilt ridden (probably not) over the women whose souls you’ve destroyed and lives you’ve tried but ultimately failed to control because-
You need some kind of control right?
Or will you continue on with no regrets;
No guilt or purpose or morals that you preach about so often but don’t even uphold yourself.
Whatever happens to you-
I will never feel bad.
I’ll just wonder.


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