Wolves, sheep, sheepdogs

by Beautiful Tragedy   Oct 23, 2023

There are three kinds of people in this world;
Wolves, sheep, and sheep dogs.
The wolves terrorize and destroy the sheep-
Only out for themselves and their selfish needs regardless of who they hurt in order to get them fulfilled.
They prey on the vulnerable-
Then take off like nothing ever happened.
And sometimes they’re in packs, too.
Teaming up with they’re just as volatile pack in order
to do more damage and spread more pain and misery across any land the roam into.
They are wolves, after all.
The sheep are typically the vulnerable.
The innocent who fall for the sugar dripping tongue of the wolves;
Only to be left injured and weeping.
They must be protected.
This is where the sheep dog comes in.
It is a sheep dogs duty to protect the sheep from harm-
Guide them in the direction of safety whenever they veer off path so as to avoid encounters and injury from vicious wolves.
There are not enough sheep dogs-
But the ones who do exist are very good at their job.
Then we have you-
A wolf covered in sheep’s skin.
Hiding within the flock;
Pretending to be good and innocent while never taking more than a small chunk at a time from every sheep you injure so as to not get caught and-
When you do you cry wolf on the very same sheep you injured,
Turning the rest of the flock against them for calling you out.
You’re manipulative and a compulsive liar;
Wolves in sheep’s skin usually are in order to manipulate everyone else
into believing they are indeed a sheep despite having the pointy ears and sharp snarly teeth of a wolf.
The only problem with this and you is that-
You’ve done enough damage to the sheep that the flock is all starting to realize that you are indeed a wolf;
And the no one has taken too kindly to it.
I’d suggest you find a new flock-
Before mine puts an end to your never ending deceit and victim mentality when you get caught.
You are a wolf hidden in a sheep’s skin-
And I will let my sheep dog destroy you.
He always wins, after all.


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