My Buddy

by Sai Vara Prasad Potharaju   Oct 27, 2023

I remember once, I had a buddy
Whom I met at a place I don't remember.

Never did I like him one bit
But a "No" for an answer, he refused to accept.

He stayed with me,
And never left me alone.

At night he would sleep with me,
At walks he would walk with me,
At sorrows he would shoulder my grief,
At joys he would share my joys,
At solitudes he would stay,
At crowds he would hold my hands.

He came uninvited and promised to stay,
Ever since his stay, my life's been a dismay.

When the whole world left me,
He was there next to me,
Just to remind me, he had never abandoned me.

Not many in this world,
Like my buddy coming into their world.

The world calls him "PAIN",
But I call him "MY BUDDY".


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  • 6 months ago

    by Meena Krish

    It becomes one's best friend for life..well penned.