
by Poet on the Piano   Nov 22, 2023

I was like a child with you
Teary eyed and baby blue
Lost and hopelessly afraid
Yet there you sat and always stayed.

I soon withdrew from every touch
Scared you'd say I'm just too much
While secretly wishing to be held
To have my insecurities quelled.

Now I see where we once stood
I'd change it back if I only could
To let you help me change my fate
Before it all became too late.


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  • 1 year ago

    by Ben Pickard

    If only we could all have 20/20 vision, not least in matters of the heart.
    As sad as this is, I did enjoy a free verse expert's...well, expert forage into the realms of rhyme!
    I hope you are well, Elliot.

    • 1 year ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Good to hear from you, Ben! I'm doing quite alright currently and hope you're doing well too.
      Thank you for reading, and feel free to critique any time I rhyme (I can always learn from the professionals!). Sometimes I just have that urge to rhyme and hopefully I can have better rhythm as time goes on :)