
by Kate   Nov 24, 2023

I see you behind your silken words,
Feel your heartbeat within their rhythm.
They hold your aura effortlessly
And I am comforted by their familiarity.
This may be the only way I hold you:
From a distance, seeing your life in fragments.
But you are here nonetheless.


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  • 1 year ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This filled me with a sense of calm, especially in the quiet reassurance of "nonetheless".

    "This may be the only way I hold you:
    From a distance, seeing your life in fragments."

    - Can't get over these lines. It makes me think of moving on from someone yet still wishing them well, not being ready to let go of the comfort and safety they've brought you. Or being separated from someone due to unforeseen circumstances, so you can't be in their daily life, but you can still root for them and support them from afar. And their distance does not minimize the way they care for you. It doesn't negate their presence.

    This also made me think maybe the distance is not physical and emotional instead, where two people cannot be close the way they would like to be, but they are trying and learning in whatever way they can.

    Always love your poetry!

    • 1 year ago

      by Kate

      You hit the nail on its head. It’s both physical and emotional distance between myself and this person that I wrote about. Unforeseen circumstances, time, distance, you name it. But it is an individual who has been such a pivotal person in my life that I wish her nothing but the best. Would I like to see myself in her life? Yes. But it is not my choice to make. If I hold her in just pieces, I can find comfort in that.

      Thank you!

  • 1 year ago

    by Synful

    This is lovely.

    • 1 year ago

      by Kate

      Thank you.

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