Sitting in Sunlight

by the warrior   Dec 2, 2023

Sitting in sunlight, listening,
the voices blocked out by the sound of my thoughts
and the focus on his words.
The warmth is like a hug,
but a hug that is quiet and soft and light in weight-
like a feathered filled blanket.
I sit in light and calming space,
like sitting with an old friend but you just sit and look forward,
no words are needed.
Light so bright it's like sitting on the edge of the sun,
reflecting off of white stars all around you.
Space... Time... Warmth... and Quiet...
A place needed time to time but rarely sought after
and rarely attainable.
Too many things in the day,
too much noise,
too much to do,
and too many schedules to follow.
The noise will stop and the light will keep shining,
the day will keep going and someday everything will get done.
As for today lets sit in the sun,
sit in the warmth,
sit in the quiet,
and just do nothing.


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