Swallow Me Whole

by Kate   Mar 5, 2024

From the windy, cloud-cloaked shore
I watch the whitecaps blurring the horizon.
Lightning flutters, casting hues of blue,
As I dig my toes in the cold earth beneath me.
My face, kissed with sand and salt of the sea,
Now rests against the bruises on my knees.
The wall I built will not stand much longer
Against the hellacious storm in my midst.
I watch uncertain and shakily placed pebbles
Fall into disarray around my feet,
Water washing away years of grout I layered.
With my protection and will almost gone,
The tide steadily encroaches.
And it will swallow me whole.


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  • 10 months ago

    by Synful

    This is beautifully haunting.

  • 1 year ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    I liked the descriptions in this. It created such a visual scene in my head. Your words helped me conjure up an image and I found myself really getting into the emotion of the poem