What a way to end.

by shadows of saber   Mar 23, 2024

Laying in a hospital bed. . Feeling so weak.

I start to shiver. . The pain. . The pain.

Nurse help. . Im sorry to be a bother.

Im coming undone. I don't know what's the matter.

Im gonna disappear and it wouldn't matter

I cant stop thinking of you . Praying that you be here

Your on the other side of the world. And you perfer if I just wasnt here.

I look at our old conversation. You hardly asked how I've been. It was all about you. And you didn't care about me.

Every day I asked. Untill you gave up on me.

They are trying to keep me alive. My body was already decaying. . But what to survive?

There is no point apart from freya. . But she's going to be taken away so why should I bother?

Im useless. . Im dumb. . My heart has become undone. I hurt everyone around me because they feel so much pity. Im losing my house. And my dignity.

There is no point. Im glad it's ending.

This is my death bed. And I have made it.

Cast out by everyone I loved.

Broken in pieces that can't be respun

Heads getting dizzy now from all the morpine.

Couldn't even tell you how happy you made me or anything else. I didnt want your pity.

Because you think im just gonna tell you about the horrors that's scare me or the fkd up things that has happened to me.

I kept repeating myself I wasn't anymore.

Yet you still bashed me on social media and our server.

How does it feel to beat someone who's worthless?

All I wanted was your company and your friendship.

To see you smile. To see you make those silly accents or your obsession of boobs and your game.

It was all I wanted . . Couldnt you see?

Ah well. Who cares? No one gonna read this. This is the end?

Let's welcome it in just like an old friend.

Im glad the pain has stopped for a little bit. Thanks nurse my friend.

Im gonna drift off. I weither little by little. What a way to end. What a way to end.

Thanks nurse. Thanks and that's the end.


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  • 10 months ago

    by David

    you mentioned Freya, but also puppy, don't forget about your dog :)