I Thought I Was Better

by Kryptonite Dreamer   Mar 23, 2024

I thought I was getting better,
I thought I was free from the dark path,
I thought I finally was seeing the lit path,
I thought I didn't have to see a damaged person anymore,
I thought I'd always just see someone scarred up from you,
But you decided to come back,
You decided to latch onto me again,
You nearly had me follow through with what you wanted,
You wanted me to speed down the road,
You wanted me to wrap myself around a tree,
You wanted me to take my final breath,
Just because I was seeing a positive light,
Because I fell in love,
Because I put you in the back of my mind,
Why do you always want my end?
Why do you always come back?
Why is it that I feel like I can't escape you?


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  • 11 months ago

    by Kasie

    Your poem shows the very raw emotions of what it's like to have a toxic love for someone. It's almost like this painful addiction that you can't escape. I enjoyed reading it.

  • 11 months ago

    by C Cattaway

    I thought I was free from then dark path?
    Aside from that line, I like how you question why they're back to torment you. I was interested to see that you would love so strongly to cause yourself damage, & I can relate to that. The overwhelming need to do everything for them to prove your love.
    But you don't have to. Walking away I your strength. Accepting that nobody is worth fighting for if they need to be fought for. Real love is easy. It cones naturally, even if the obstacles are tricky.
    Keep writing. I like the sentiment.
    Well done.
    Cat x