
by Cantchangeme   Mar 28, 2024

There’s a madman in my block of flats
He writes obscenities on the wall
Hangs his union flag upside down
And blames the foreigners for it all

He keeps his daytime tv blaring
To help to drown out his addled mind
I’ve heard no one speak well of him
He pays that courtesy back in kind

His thumb like face as rouge as beetroot
And he’s always blowing up a gale
Barely seven teeth stuck in his head
And he subscribes to the daily m***

His kids they never stop by
His ex wife left him many years ago
Most of his texts they are from just eat
Social services don’t want to know

There was a madman in my block of flats
A man whose anger came from fear
A fear of accountability
When he left no-one shed a single tear


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  • 11 months ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    I enjoyed reading this. It reminded me of some of the people around where I live.
    For me the opening and closing stanzas were my favourite part. I think the ending leaves the reader with a lot to mull over.