Object permanence.

by Poet on the Piano   Apr 2, 2024

I don’t remember much of last year
(except hospitals and hardships).

I barely know what year it is now.

It’s like the concept of time
seems so distant -

I drove somewhere today,
to the quiet library I went to as a kid:
the kid’s zone where we played Magic School Bus,
the large windows that overlook the pond.

I sat on the floor, a thriller in my hand,
my back against a bookshelf as I tried to relax.
I got somewhere near page 48
before I couldn’t focus anymore.

My mind drifted,
my head bobbed.

I thought of calling you.
I reminded myself not to,
the ways it could unravel me.

I heard bits and pieces
of conversations that arrived,
then left before being resolved.

And I couldn’t help wonder:

Why? And how?

How does everyone interact?

Why do these conversations exist?

Why do I feel so impermanent?


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  • 11 months ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    Parts of this poem reminded me of myself and own journey. Thank you for writing something relatable

    • 11 months ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Jenna, thank you so much for reading. Really appreciate it.