
by MysteryMan   May 13, 2024

What resides inside welcomed too much anguish and too much pain
To take one moment of hurt I self medicate
Going insane feeding an absence to feeding these veins
Just anything to take away these afflictions , alleviate

As the needle pierced my skin I take it all in
It drifts me to another place
For awhile it only last a mile
From that affliction I’ll eventually deviate

Needing to feel that relief I had to do it again
But more and more the toxins built a sore
I felt all my defenses caving in
Popping pills trying to heal from what life in stored

Then pools of a whiskey river I’m bound by the endless ripples of its waves
An alcoholic sea enters my body with no plan to escape

I’m held captive in the capture of this persistent thief
Stolen laughs you took it was robbery
A deadly routine of a cycle that never cease
A plethora of scorned addictions and harbored afflictions unleashed

Countless bodies of recycled hurt
An uncovered subsist of lust felt un searched
Rounds and circles of this ADDICTION path
A moment of release that fleetingly last

There’s no traces from any of those faces
Only a brief moment trying to fill this void
Deepening the voided hole instead
Silencing any volume of the noise in my head

The silence magnifies more than any words
Screaming aloud but still can’t be heard


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