"I Remember"

by Dark&Grim   May 24, 2024

Why would you make me die
If you were going to cry

You say you need me back
But I will haunt you
Your justice is lost

We used to be civil
But now that is gone

The power consumed by you
Filling you with greed
It flamed and fueled all of your need

Then you get tired
You went to me
And my kindness backfired

You loaded
And shot
A hole in my heart

Not just my body
My heart
My soul
My being

You sat on a log
Long gone from the friend I used to know
Staring out at the forest
Where you and I used to frolic

We were kids
We were innocent
We were oblivious to the world around

When you find that rod
That evil force of pure white anger
You had picked it up
It was joke

As the years passed on
Your father taught you how
To use it
To justify your vile actions

When I found
What your father had done
I ran
And ran

When I came back
Ten years later

You were just like him

You were different
You were numb
Your father had squashed you

He stomped out your spirit
Your being
Your soul
Like a fire drowning in a river

You were a mere shell of what you had been
You were no longer my friend
You were just like the others

I had hoped
I had prayed
That you would turn out fine

But those grueling monsters
did their job

They turned a boy
Into a nightmare
Squashing his flame
And replacing it with a corrupt hunger

Derived of happiness
You came to me
Your long-lost friend
Who no longer cared

you came
came with that firing rod
and you thought
that if you took it
we could be friends again

I turned you down
you got mad
no longer understanding
no longer a boy

Shot that hole
straight through and through

as I fell
you caught me and said
What have I done?
I am dead.

I closed my eyes
as the life faded away
it was dark

I followed death willingly
wanting life to end

my friend
my enemy
and now
my killer

what has society done
to make people so fragmented

what have I done
to deserve this

as i sit

as a ghost
a being
a goner

I remember
I remember the good
I remember the bad
but most of all
I remember the horrible


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