
by Dark&Grim   May 24, 2024

Childhood? Which childhood?
The one that didn’t last?
The one in which we were forced to be locked up?
Hidden from the world?
That was no childhood
That was simply a hood
Covering our faces
Leaving us to fend for ourselves
Some of us didn't make it
Lying on the ground
Dry-eyed and bloody from that fight that we were forced into
That’s the problem
That’s why some made it and others didn't
It’s why we were all famished
Why we had no strength
Why people plumped us up
Only to put us into an arena
Saying that it’s only fair to repay them
The fire that disintegrated my home
I never really worried about what I breathed in
Only who I breathed in
It’s why i am still plagued by nightmares
So childhood you say?
Why don’t you try to be grown up from the minute you were born?
Why don’t you try to be at the base of the mountain for once?
No longer protected by the sheer height of your perch?
Because let me tell you
Being shadowed by an ever-looming giant
Will never become undone


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