Let go

by Dark&Grim   May 24, 2024

Yesterday the final petal curled its soft shape into bone
Under a willow
I weep

The coffin in which she lays
Her fragile body
Forever displayed

Through the forests
And through the mountains
I went and went and went

But when I found her
It was too late
The evil monster had taken her

Turned her slender shape and twisted it
Broke it
Bent it

When they were done
She was a tied up knot
Reminding me of her hair the day we met

But now she is gone
She will no longer return
No longer be there to comfort those in need

I was never needy
But now with her gone
Nothing will satisfy my thirst

The ebony coffin
The wilted petals
The picture of her pale face

It is too much
I could die
But I must let go

Pushing up from the ground
I step into the sunset
Bathing myself in the new light for a new era


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