Two Feet

by Allie   May 24, 2024

Walking closer to the edge staring into the sunset.
The broken pieces of me have left my hands bleeding.

My two feet come to edge of the ledge. I tell myself "this is all I have left".

I feel the vulnerability and the emptiness start to fade but I know this is the only way.

My two feet dangling off the ledge as the sun finally sets. The darkness surrounds me engulfing me completely.
You grabbed my bleeding hand and all the pieces I carried.

Slowly seeing the sunrise you Whisper to me " You're two feet plus mine equals four. I'm going to show you that there's so much more."

Walking closer to the edge I tell you " you're all I have left".

We'll sit on this ledge together but dont let go of my hand.
Let's watch the sunset forever. Hand in Hand.


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