by Eric Ngobeni   May 28, 2024

Don't vote for disaster, heed this warning cry,
The future hangs in balance, a choice draws nigh.
Disaster looms, a tempest on the horizon,
But in your hands, the power to change, now arisen.

Learn to wield that power, your cross on the ballot,
A tool to transform, to build, not to ravage.
The current situation cries out for your voice,
Rise up, my fellow citizens, make the wise choice.

Let us make a better South Africa, united as one,
Leaving dark days behind, embracing the sun.
Progress, not regress, must be our refrain,
A nation reborn, a future to sustain.

The cross in your hand, a symbol of might,
Use it to forge a future filled with light.
Don't vote for disaster, heed this rallying call,
Vote for the change to lift us all.


This poem by Eric W. Ngobeni passionately calls on citizens to vote for positive change in South Africa, rather than voting for disastrous policies or leadership that would set the country back. The poet emphasizes that each individual's vote, represented by the cross on the ballot, holds the power to transform the current situation and build a better future for the nation.

The poem paints a vivid contrast between the looming "disaster" and the hopeful vision of a "better South Africa" that can be achieved through engaged, thoughtful voting.

The underlying message is one of civic responsibility, unity, and faith in the ability of the people to shape their country's destiny through the democratic process.


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