Field of Dahlias

by Synful   Jun 12, 2024

I wander throughout the forest of dreams
And come across a hidden clearing -
It softly, sweetly, beckons to me
As if simply yet complexly kissing

The decrepit and abused shards of my existence.

The soft breeze cradles whispers to me
From a field laced with dahlias and joviality,
Harnessing whimsy and grace
As their aromas nuzzle my entranced face

Leaving me to ponder if this is what happiness truly is.

Her smile seems to rest amongst their beauty,
Her laughter a tune that saunters amongst the flowers
While her care brightens their colors acutely
Leaving them to drink from her love's shower

Just as I have always yearned to do.

As I walk within the confines of this bowl of wonder,
I find myself strolling down memory lane;
My heart longs to embrace that which I had conquered
Each and every somber day -

The devastatingly addictive need for her presence.

I will forever wander and discover
This field of vibrant dahlias
If it means that I can remember
And cherish the ballad

Of the very moment I fell in love with her.


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