You bought me flowers

by Beautiful Tragedy   Jun 19, 2024

You bought me flowers;
And I let them die on my kitchen counter.
How many nights did you ignore the quiet sobs coming from my body while you fell asleep like nothing happened-
I was slowly dying inside for four years and you did nothing.
The words you screamed at me penetrated my mind like tattoos;
The weight of the ink was unbearable and eventually I gave in and believed that I deserved everything you gave to me.
I didn’t.
It’s nearly poetic how you destroyed my mind and then begged me to get better-
Told me I couldn’t quit living while you were burying me alive in your hatred and never ending rage;
Pulling me back into the grave with sweet nothings and empty promises every time I tried to leave it.
Grim reaper;
It was never your job to bury the weight I carried on my shoulders-
And when you realized most of it was still too heavy at the time we met you decided to just throw me in with it.
Like I was worth nothing but the mistakes I’d made and the thought processes that hadn’t had time to evolve.
I left on the brink of death;
So weak I couldn’t function for months-
But you can’t even acknowledge that you were the one who did it.
You bought me flowers-
And I left them on my kitchen counter to die the same way you did me.


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