I don't go to the arcade anymore

by Rey Severs   Jun 21, 2024

I don't go to the arcade anymore

The sounds of our laughter have left those walls,
to be replaced with silence as others are in our place, replacing the happiness we once placed in those times
When we
And were happy
If not for a night
To play games we knew we would fail, no matter how hard we tried
To play games you loved, even if I didn't like
Cuddling one more plush, rozen upon cheek, and smile ear to ear
Joyful at another to our collection
And the near empty machines for all the tickets and coins we hoarded, our combined efforts.
The sparkles in the lights and in our eyes as our hearts sung and our belly's ache from candy,now nothing but a fond memory
A memory I can't bear to live, without you, as I am already living without you
Minus our memories
At the arcade empty of us
That I no longer go to

I don't go to the arcade anymore.


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