Bad apples

by Beautiful Tragedy   Jun 26, 2024

You will never make yourself look better by insulting others-
Even though that is by far your favorite tactic to make you feel good.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree-
And it surely didn’t with you and your dad either.
Both bad apples;
You’re sour and rotten on the inside-
Hiding behind the shiny skin of a good credit score and a lethal ego.
You couldn’t stand the fact that I was still solid on the inside after all the falls I endured-
Even through the bruises I’m still okay with who I am and that absolutely killed you.
You never could live with yourself.
You almost took me down with you and were so angry when I walked away-
I bet losing me hurt.
I eventually brushed you off like dust and kept going;
Your rot was making my eyes water and
my stomach sour.
I cut out the pieces of me you were destroying to avoid further damage and-
they’re growing back better than ever.
I’ll be whole again soon;
while you continue to ooze invalid insults and unreal justifications-
You haven’t moved in years.
Theres many shiny apples out here that are just as good on the inside as they are attractive on the out.
I just so happened to find the best one after leaving you to rot yourself and the grass around you-
By yourself.
I’ll never settle for bad apples.


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