
by Cantchangeme   Jun 28, 2024

My heart shattered into a hundred different pieces
Tattered strips lie trodden on the floor
The Jehovah’s don’t even come to the house calling
God knows I don’t live here anymore

Closeness of kin defined by the length of knives they’re holding
Or the shape of the wounds cut into my side
The more ragged the wound I know it’s not just me hurting
I’ve hurt everyone I love and never even tried

My skin ripped apart by hungry mouths in anger
What’s left of me dripping from out their jaw
Maybe there’s a universe out there past the rainbow
Where there’s something beautiful I’m living for

Maybe somewhere there’s a me with better understanding
A one who sees this world and isn’t terrified
Maybe one day I’ll set out to that distant star that’s calling
Leaving behind the ghosts to which I’m tied


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