Rise African Child

by Eric Ngobeni   Jun 29, 2024

Rise, African child, rise up high,
Embrace the future with a steadfast eye.
Heed not the lure of fleeting pleasures,
But seek out wisdom's lasting treasures.

Waste not your days in tavern's thrall,
Nor let base lusts your soul enthrall.
Instead, devote your mind's keen fire
To build a future that all can admire.

Cast off the shackles of self-doubt,
Let not cynicism cloud your route.
With brain and brawn, create and grow,
And let your people's greatness show.

Invest your wealth in children's dreams,
Build bonds of trust, not broken seams.
Uplift your people, heal their pain,
And Africa's true glory shall reign.

Rise, African child, rise up strong,
Reclaim the beauty that has been wronged.
With courage, faith, and wisdom's light,
Restore your land's eternal might.


Rise African Child
by Eric W. Ngobeni

This powerful poem is a clarion call to the African youth, urging them to rise up and reclaim their rightful place as the kings and queens of the African continent. The poet begins by directly addressing the "African child", establishing a sense of ownership and pride in their identity.

The first stanza sets the tone, admonishing the youth to avoid wasting their time and energy on fleeting pleasures like drinking and casual relationships, often pursued for financial gain or revenge. Instead, the poet encourages them to channel their efforts into finding and fighting for their own futures, paving the way for the next generation.

In the second stanza, the poet emphasizes the importance of using one's intellect and skills to start businesses and generate wealth, rather than resorting to the degradation of selling one's body for meager earnings. The repetition of "Rise black child" serves as a powerful rallying cry, urging the youth to embrace their potential and eschew self-limiting behaviors.

The third stanza further reinforces this message, exhorting the African child to invest in their children, build trust and create an enduring legacy, rather than squandering resources on frivolous pursuits that provide no lasting value. The poet underscores the need to value oneself and one's community above short-term gratification.

The final stanza culminates in a resounding call to the African child to rise again and restore the beauty and humanity that is the birthright of the African people. This powerful conclusion ties the entire poem together, leaving the reader with a sense of urgency and optimism for the future.

Through its vivid imagery, passionate tone, and unwavering belief in the African child's ability to transform their circumstances, this poem serves as a stirring inspiration for the youth of Africa to embrace their inherent greatness and lead their continent to a brighter, more prosperous future.


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