Haunted house

by Beautiful Tragedy   Jul 2, 2024

You’re living in a haunted house.
I bet you still pull my hair out of your shower drain and feel slightly hollow when you don’t have to move my toothbrush to get to yours;
You no longer have to push the edge of the towel off the sink after I used it and it got stuck on its way back down.
The cabinet no longer has my collection of bath and body works-
I bet you miss being drove crazy over how much I loved that stuff.
The dogs and I are no longer taking long naps on the couch-
Still in the same position we were when you left for work as you got home,
Curled up in my favorite replacement blanket with the fireplace on.
I bet you avoid the guest room that became mine because your room was too small to hold both of our things-
I kept my wedding dress in there and I bet the memories of us jumping on the bed when we first met are too much to handle.
My shadow is opening your refrigerator and eating whipped cream with the dogs;
Hiding it from you and giggling as Gracie gives you the I didn’t do it look.
Your counters and tables have probably collected dust,
Screaming for me to clean them since you never do but-
I’m nowhere to be found.
Go ahead;
Search for me in as many girls as you’d like.
You can take hundreds of them to bed but-
they will never fill the hole that I left when I walked out because you couldn’t love me properly.
You should’ve been kinder.
I am nowhere and everywhere at once.
You are living in a haunted house and darling-
I’m the ghost.


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