Drown in You

by Melatonin Maniac   Jul 5, 2024

Loving you was the most exquisite form of self-destruction,
Each touch, a slice to my soul,
Every kiss, a wound that never healed,
In your arms, I found a sweet annihilation.

We met under a sky smeared with hues of twilight,
Two boys, two hearts, aflame with a forbidden fuel: love.
Your eyes, twin stars, pulled me into your orbit,
I drowned in your gaze, gasping for the breath of freedom,
Yet, I anchored myself to your love, knowing the cost.

Your voice was my lullaby, a siren's song of bittersweet dreams,
I savored the poison in your words, each syllable a dagger delivering the dose.
I bled in silence, a willing martyr to our secret.

The nights we spent entwined, bodies speaking a language
Only we understood—passion laced with despair.
I worshipped your skin, kissed your scars,
While my own heart cracked, piece by piece,
Until all that remained was a hollowed-out shell.

I tried to leave you, but your absence was a specter,
Haunting my every step, whispering of what once was,
And what could never be again.
I returned, a broken man, to the ruins of our love,
Hoping to find solace in the wreckage, but only found rubble.

Now, I sit alone, the ghost of your touch still lingering,
My heart a wreckage, ravaged and desolate,
Crying out for the man who was my salvation, my undoing,
A beautiful catastrophe, an endless ache.

I scream your name into the void, but only silence answers,
Desperate for a glimpse, a touch, a whisper of what we had.
The world spins on, indifferent to my pain,
And I am left here, shattered, longing for a love that consumed me,
Knowing it will never return, yet unable to let go.
How can something so beautiful become so devastating?
Is love worth the swim,
Or was I destined to drown in the rivers of your love.


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