This Isn’t Heaven

by X Harlea X   Jul 7, 2024

What is this place, it’s not what they said.
There’s no golden gates, just icy cold dread.
There’s a light shining though, straight above me.
Too bad it’s not the one I thought it’d be.
Wake up, don’t do this, don’t leave!
Life isn’t so bad, I promise Sis don’t leave!
Heavy eyes open slightly to see who is talking.
My brother’s face, doctors and that light.
Everything suddenly comes back to life.
The crash, my head hurts, my body hurts.
My heart beats but nothing remains.
End this please, I beg you.
I didn’t want to be saved.
Why are we moving, don’t you understand?
The cold rush of the river was supposed to be my last!
My hands are restrained, they’re dosing me up.
Everything’s gonna be okay, all of you keep saying.
Your life is worth living, this is your second chance.
Now I’m out, this is starting to turn around.
My heart isn’t heavy, my feet don’t drag the ground.
It’s still with me though, I can feel it nagging my mind.
But I won’t allow it to win this time.
I am strong, I am worthy, I am more than this.
I won’t ever let it bring me down again.


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