Existence IS

by East Poetry   Jul 7, 2024

Existence... is a simple thing,
it either is or it is not!
On one hand would be nothing,
and the others... what we got.

Nothing, in its purest form
Is nothing... gone!... with out!
A possibility of all things… sure,
...but we can count that out.

Instead... it's obvious to me,
that an pure EVERYTHING is true.
and It could’ve stayed a Oneness
... ... … if it wanted to.

In a state of pure Eternal
again, quite simply could be one!
A singularity of infinite "IS"
but that would no be fun.

Instead Existence made a choice
when it simply chose to act!
By creating the fall of atoms,
through gravities impact.

So for any "First" particle to exist,
In the realm of" "Existing" matter.
It would have to first be "ALL"
and then create the latter.

The latter being another.
Another Infinity to fall.
Yet…falling through infinity
Is the meridian of "All".

It can neither feel the fall
Nor need to worry about its drop
Falling straight around infinity
Only looks like staying in one spot

So...an endless amount of matter, (us all!)
Could fall toward the heart,
in a literal straight line forever,
and never shred apart.

Like falling in "THE ONE" black hole,
the one we’ed “want" to fall inside.
To remain unscathed forever,
on a never ending ride.

Put there, by God above!
a place to put his Son and us,
to experience in love!

Existence is a bead of light
Relative in size.
As tiny as it is infinite,
And we are all inside.

Careening through an endless deep,
in everything and "All"
Falling in a perfect circle.
yet the straightest line of all.

Yes...we exist inside a place,
The Father could have left a void.
A place perhaps infinitesimal to him,
yet He infinitely employed.

A place that exists within him,
for everything is one.
A place in Genesis, He calls "the deep,"
where He put His perfect Son.

For God knew there was space there,
Yes...a space to put his Son.
As a way to organize existence
As everything is one!

And Jesus Christ, He is that star,
the perfect light "put in".
To exist inside Gods epic bulk,
to fall for all our sins.

Yes...I talk a lot of talk
about the cosmos and the stars,
but how does that connect to
the bodies we call ours.

You see, Christ is this light,
the "One in Same" first particle I tell.
But he also exists in human form,
in a world within our veil.

Hence, it's likely, spirits have a "duo",
once "matter"...is in play.
Existing in two places, as one (John 5:26)
and are literally "One in same."

After all... I look into that star lit sky,
and I know that it's all connected.
At Jesus's Birth, there came a star,
and that truth is well respected.
(Revelation 22:16)

Jesus exists, as the "light of existence,"
in the cosmic sense "as light."
Made as perfect matter zipping through,
the uncomprehending night. (John 1:5)

But inside "that light" of even himself,
His physical body too must be.
Arriving at the meridian of time,
"in a body" for us to see.

Thus, Perhaps even we exist,
in the Cosmos as a light.
And we also exist in body form.
underneath our star lit night.

"Both" a grouping of like particles,
just extremely different in their size
One as alpha, infinitely tiny!
And the other Omega, super size!

And because of this size deference,
one could reside inside oneself!
Existing in two places at once
but being of "one wealth".

And the very first in matter,
is more important than most see.
For any "EXISTENCE" to endure forever,
a "Pureness" it MUST BE.

Thus, The First was born, of our great God,
His only Begotten Son,
A Noble sent to purify,
so that we could all be one.

Becoming "one" ...it's imperative!
As "oneness" is linked to pure.
and existence simply wouldn't be,
if it could not endure.

No decay, no array,
a pureness it MUST be!
for if it wasn't... it wouldn't last,

for all Eternity!


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