
by MysteryMan   Jul 8, 2024

Release me from your shackles
I only desire to be free
Lingering hurt remain tackled
Bestow upon me the FREEDOM I seek

The silence seems to grow in volume
It’s voice magnifies in tone
Oh how Im surrounded by people in numbers
But still yet feel alone

When you crave the whole of me
I can only surrender you half
For every piece of me that’s broken
There is no remedy nor salve

If you ever cared for me at any ounce
Liberate me from the bondage that’s held
Sing aloud of my FREEDOM to be announced
I only seek unrestraint from the pain within myself

Release these chains of my hands and feet
They need to be destroyed
They only hold the pain in me
My FREEDOM needs to be restored

I need to be free from the hurt that lays
Memories of what he had still I feel haunted
To this pain I can no longer be it’s slave
Set the key placed before me of this confined limitless bondage

Unlock the chains of the hold on me
I need to fully feel at liberty


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  • 1 month ago

    by writer

    This is beautiful.