Your mirror

by Rey Severs   Jul 9, 2024

We are your mirror that is cracked every side
Ugly and damaged, imperfect, yet tries.
With each crack, is one more flaw,
Repeating patterns done to us before.

Although we reflect, it only show's cracks,
A perfect image to never come back,
We show instead imperfections, hideous, unkind,
But the image shown back is nothing but mine.

Within this mirror reflects who you are,
Whether frail, weeping, disfigured or scarred,
And I show what needs improving, as much as it stings,
I focus on love, kindness, and all good it brings.

But as I am cracked, touching me, damage may inflict,
I don't mean to, no, not one bit,
And although touching me may sometimes cause blood,
As your mirror, what is shown, I love.

I only wish to show you, every part that I see
As your mirror, you'll see, it's reflected in me,
But I am imperfect, as told, I had many pieces once shatter
I am your mirror, but to me...

You matter


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