No means No!

by Justen Smith   Jul 10, 2024

"Written to process my boundaries being crossed, my heart broke when a group of ladies called me over outside the club and said I know that look all to well, sit with us, you'll be okay".

I shook my head side to side,
You stepped in close,
I shuffled back,
again I shook,
Your hand came up,
Began to touch,
A shield she made,
Your way now blocked,
Through you pushed,
Against our will,
My body mine,
Not yours to stroke,
No I said,
As my head shook,

A drink I'll buy?
You questioned me,
Apologise you said,
For the overstep,
Agree I do,
For all make mistakes,
Mistake now mine,
Your hand I feel,
Betwixt my legs,
Again you stray,
To places mine,

Removed from sight,
Out the club with haste,
But spiders on skin,
Still remain,
A friends touch,
Now fills with dread,
Boundaries crossed,
Admittance lost,
But in my head,
On my skin,
Across my body,
You still remain.


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