Before The Beginning Began

by Christen Kuikoua   Jul 20, 2024

Before the dawn of time’s first breath,
Before the light of morning’s crest,
There was a Presence, pure and grand,
Who shaped the stars with His own hand.

He did not begin where beginnings unfold,
Nor fit within the bounds of old,
For He, the Prime Mover, the Uncaused Cause,
Initiated all with divine laws.

In realms where silence whispered soft,
He spoke the Word, the world aloft,
From void to life, from dark to light,
He crafted day, He fashioned night.

Before the cosmos sang its song,
Before the heavens spun along,
There was a Presence, still and deep,
A watchful eye that does not sleep.

Eternal, timeless, ever true,
He painted skies in shades of blue,
With a love that knows no end,
He called us each to be His friend.

In every heartbeat, every sigh,
In every star that lights the sky,
The echo of His voice remains,
The source of joy, the end of pains.

For God, the Alpha and the Start,
Holds every beat of every heart,
In His grace, we find our place,
In endless love, in boundless space.

Genesis 1:?, the endless tale,
Where God’s beginning does not pale;
He is the source, the start, the one,
From whom all things are born and spun.


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