Cold, calculated, heartless

by Beautiful Tragedy   Jul 25, 2024

I’ve always been cold, calculated, and heartless to you right?
Someone who plots and plans-
Evil revenge that tears you limb from limb leaving you writhing in pain so intense you can barely breathe;
And my compassion died a long time ago;
My morals nowhere to be found and there is a hole in my chest where a heart used to be-
Empty hallow and black.
I rode on a witches broom at dawn and sacrificed us to the gods of our darkest days;
Ice crystals gripping my fingertips as me and my coven of bad decisions slams the knife down into your chest-
I’ve always been a monster to you.
You’ve always treated me accordingly;
And perhaps you had some reasons to believe I was-
But your rage magnified every mistake I’d ever made and destroyed every lesson I was meant to learn.
So I kept making them;
I was a carefully crafted mastermind and you
were the victim in disguise,
Truth is-
Most of the time I had no idea what I was doing and I was terrified as you sacrificed me for not just my own;
But everyone else’s choices, too.
I’ve always been cold, calculated, and heartless to you, right?
But sometimes I wonder if you’ve been in the dark by yourself for so long;
that you just had to snuff out whatever light I had inside of me.


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