by Eric Ngobeni   Jul 28, 2024

Tempting to satisfy those friends, so fair,
Seeking their approval, their praise, their care.
But heed this warning, a lesson to heed:
Your family's foundation is who you most need.

Not all friends are loyal, some seek your demise,
Waiting with glee to watch your empire crumble and die.
Build not your house on sand that will shift and sway,
Construct it on rock that will stand firm each day.

Invest in your family, your fortress so true,
For they'll be the ones there to see you through.
Friends come and go, their motives unclear,
But family's embrace is constant and sincere.

So spend not your time trying to please the crowd,
Focus your efforts where the love runs deep and proud.
Cultivate your empire, your household so grand,
For in family's embrace, you'll find your firm stand.


The poem conveys the message that one should prioritize spending time and energy on their family over trying to satisfy their friends. The key points made in the poem are:

1. Temptation to seek approval and praise from friends: The poem acknowledges that there is a temptation to devote time and effort towards pleasing one's friends and gaining their approval.

2. Warning about not all friends being loyal: The poem cautions that not all friends have your best interests at heart. Some may even take pleasure in seeing you fail, rather than being there to support and lift you up.

3. Importance of investing in family over friends: The core message is that one should focus on building and strengthening their family relationships, rather than expending too much energy on friendships. Family is portrayed as a solid foundation that will be there for you, unlike fickle friendships.

4. Family as a "fortress" and "empire": The poem uses powerful imagery to describe the family as a strong, enduring structure that should be the priority - a "fortress" and "empire" that will withstand the shifting sands of temporary friendships.

5. Friends come and go, but family is constant: The poem contrasts the transient nature of friendships with the steadfast, sincere love of family members who will be there for you through thick and thin.

Overall, the poem advises the reader to be cautious about spending too much time trying to satisfy friends at the expense of nurturing their family relationships, which are the true foundation one can rely on.


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