Rio Grande do Norte

by DavidPCarroll   Jul 30, 2024

Rio Grande do Norte
Where the sun shines
Brighter than the rest
And the beaches
Stretch for miles on end

And it's a beautiful sight
To be in magical
Rio Grande do Norte tonight

And the palm trees sway
So gently in the morning breeze
And the waves crash
An the sea shore and
I'm in sunny
Rio Grande do Norte
And I couldn't ask for more

And the people are
Proud and loyal and
Their history is so great
And it's the place to be
And my memories of
Rio Grande do Norte
Will never fade away

And Rio Grande do Norte
Is Paradise and the
Food tastes so great
And the beer is tasty
And sweet and in my
Heart Rio Grande do Norte
Will stay the cherished memories
Will never fade away and
The land of pure beauty
And magical bliss
Rio Grande do Norte is
Where the spirit of Brazil
Lingers and will forever stay.

© 2025 David P Carroll.


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