Burnt Out

by Lost Shadow   Aug 1, 2024

Your spirit was long gone before you were
Instead there lied just that of an empty shell

A burnt out light, lying in the hospital bed
Staring at me with such desperation

Begging for me to save you from everything
From all the agonizing pain and suffering

I swear to you I tried so hard to save you
Watching you suffer tore me to pieces

I wanted to heal every wound you ever had
To reignite that bright light inside of you

Instead all I did was cause you more harm
By not listening to what you were telling me

Tried so hard to be your hero all that time
I couldn't even give you what you asked for

Someone else had the strength that I didn't
The strength to free you and eternally heal you

How I wish so bad I could have said goodbye
Held your hand , watched you close your eyes

If only I could tell you how sorry I am
For being selfish and asking too much of you

For not being there for your last moments
Please forgive me for all my mistakes

Wait for me , as I'm stuck here in my own hell
Feeling entirely spent and hollow to the core


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