Comments : Timely Passage

  • 2 months ago

    by Darren

    I haven't written anything for a long time, but if I remember a haiku is usually a nature poem.

    I could be talking crap

    Anyway, on first read, I imagined a train bearing down on some idiot risking a crossing.
    But I've read it a few times, I've found a nature link. Human nature, our need to hurry, our inability to step back, live in the moment.
    This poem is quite deep from this stance, that last line could reference death, passing, just a moment in time.
    Thanks for this, I feel a little spark trying to ignite in me. Everything is just a little damp at the moment though

    • 2 months ago

      by MyHobby Portal

      thank you so much again..!! well i think you need to read this