Let her rot (most people)

by Darren   Aug 7, 2024

You've had so many chances
False dawn, no dawn, nothing, then everything
Help swatted like wasps,
Most people choose a path, another branch
Opening up in the multiverse.
You dug a hole

Countless hands reaching down
Fingers, thumbs desperate for leverage
Determined to pull you free
Yet you sit with indifference
A spoon heated, crystallisation liquidating

......needle pierces skin
Lies enter, time and hope leave
Eyes roll, outta head

Most people respect their bodies, the virgin temple,
Unlocked with love, offered with commitment
Yours is for sale
Available to any bidder
A prick for a fix
On your back for crack
Hopefully you leave your head, visit a nice memory, go on holiday, chat with friends
While you carcass is pounded

I'm often told, help her
Raising your kids isn't enough?
I say "let her rot"
Fill in the hole
Hammer in a little wooden cross
My sister
the junkie


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