There’s a part of me

by Beautiful Tragedy   Aug 8, 2024

There’s a part of me that still loves you-
And that’s why it’s better to just let you go.
Years of treacherous ground led us to turn against each other when we should’ve worked together;
The battle separated us and we were left to slide down the slippery slope with our mental health alone.
I was so angry at you for letting go of my hand in the first place that I refused it every single time you reached for me;
Screaming at you that you weren’t there for me as you were trying to do exactly that.
But I didn’t need you to tell me how to navigate-
I needed you to simply hold my hand and you were forceful in shoving me over the cracks in the paths we walked;
And you berated me for crying about it,
Called me weak.
But just because I was struggling doesn’t mean I was weak and so I fled for my own safety-
Took a few shortcuts that I thought would save me but the truth is,
They always cost me more than the bruises I had from being with you.
I took the shortcuts and then I blamed you for the injuries;
We never did fight fair but I was scandalous in my technique-
Brutal in my blows to your heart.
You deserved none of it-
And neither did I.
There’s still a part of me that loves you;
But that’s exactly why it’s better to let you go-
We don’t need to be snapping at each other for causing the exact wounds we are trying to heal in each other.


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  • 4 weeks ago

    by Jason Pittman

    I never let go of your hand or stopped trying to navigate. I was just trying to prevent you from taking the shortcuts because I didn't want you getting lost and losing Us in the process.