Who am I?

by Lucifer   Aug 11, 2024

Who am I?
It’s very interesting composition of words
Into a simple sentence
With a deep meaning
Holding lots of secrets to explore within.

So, who am I?
I’m a child to my parents
I’m a grandchild to my grandparents
I’m a relative to my relatives
I’m a friend
I’m a enemy
I’m superstar with a fame
I’m a global icon with a huge name
I’m a real hero in a real life game
I’m the one who is responsible for
Best and worst for some one
Who is the cause of every event
That has been happened so far
From the history to present
And leading to the future
Which will be same.

So in reality
Who am I?
It’s the big question that has been there
And it will raise again.

I’m creator
I’m destroyer
Of this beautiful world
Given by ours superior
Who is almighty guidance authority
Looking to us
Who is always there.

But also
One question remains
Who am I?
Still holding unexplained secrets
Hidden from long time needed to be explore here.


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