by Eric Ngobeni   Aug 14, 2024

Always remember, those who despise
Are aware of your potential, your rise.
They've seen your success, your shining light,
And feel threatened, their egos ignite.

Their rejection, a mask for their fear,
That one day, your greatness will be clear.
So learn to accept their choices, their way,
And help them see what they've witnessed each day.

For in their hearts, they know deep inside,
That given the chance, you will not hide.
Your talents and skills, they can't deny,
And that's why they try to make you comply.

But rise above, let your light shine through,
For their dismissal only makes you anew.
Embrace their choices, guide them to see,
The brilliance they fear, the power in thee.


The poem explores the concept of dealing with those who despise or reject us, despite witnessing our success and potential. The key points explored in the poem are:

1. Awareness of Your Potential: The poem suggests that those who despise or reject us are actually aware of our potential and success. Their dismissal is often a result of feeling threatened by our abilities.

2. Masking their Fear: The rejection and disdain that we face from these individuals is often a mask for their own insecurities and fear. They are afraid of being surpassed or overshadowed by our achievements.

3. Learning to Accept their Choices: The poem advises us to learn to accept the choices made by those who despise us. Trying to force them to change or acknowledge our abilities may be futile, and it's better to focus on our own growth.

4. Helping them Realize: Instead of dwelling on their rejection, the poem suggests that we should try to guide and help them realize what they have witnessed about our success and potential. This can be a more productive approach than confrontation.

5. Rising Above: Ultimately, the poem encourages us to rise above the dismissal and let our light shine through. Their attempts to make us comply or dim our brilliance should only serve to make us stronger and more determined.

The overall message is one of empowerment and resilience. Rather than being discouraged by the disdain of others, we should use it as motivation to continue pursuing our goals and achieving our full potential, while also extending a hand to help those who once rejected us.


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