Save Yours Child

by Lucifer   Aug 16, 2024

From the first day of your
Playing in yours guardian arms
Till the day you are
Well raised
And gets ready for a journey
You need to make.

Leaving the comfort zone
For a new beginning
With the blessing and burden of judgement
Of whole society’s
You lived near by.
With unknown of
Rough and Good days
Of books
You will be opening in a short while.

Going through a new phase
With lots of pressure days
Some achieves
Greater height of success
With the decisions they made.
Recognised by the society and family
Leading their life to glory of fame
And name.

Some gets stuck
With the failure and shame
Along with the self blame
For the decision they made to make their name
Taking them on a path of ends.
Where they are in needs of
Love, care, attention and guidance
So they can again get lifted
From the burden of self blame
Leading their life
To glory of fame and name.

As few gets lucky to be saved
And most gets unlucky
Taking their breath to ends.
It’s the truth
Balance of yin and yang of life
With the karmic cycle one has to

But also at least we can try
To save those soul who are in needs
Before they dies
With the burden
Of judgment made by society
Which are imprinted on their
Minds and eyes.

It’s only takes one step to break the bounds
To heal the wounds
Which under-lies in the broken soul
Who is ready to give up life.
Because it’s the same baby soul
Who used to make you joyful
When she/he used to be with you arounds
Who will be yours future guardian
For yours old age time.

You need to known the truth
Judgments are made by society’s
With the bunches of people
Where some are jealousy
Someone with pride
Some are foes
And some are good people
With helping nature
Even though.

But in the end
It’s your own blood-loss
If you get confused with society’s buzz.
So save you child
Before they dies
Leaving you regret
Your whole life.


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  • 6 months ago

    by Bian


    • 6 months ago

      by Lucifer

      Thank you so much!
      You made my day.