by Lucifer   Aug 17, 2024

As we grow with the time phase
We come across many ones
Carrying a faith
And becoming a bunch of
Childish, mischief, loveable
And hot- head friends.

In which some are only
For their gains
Leading to be enemy that always blames
And few are precious gems
Either becoming best friend
Or a destined partner of yours
Changing yours life game.

Holding, sharing & blaming
Lots of secrets & pain
Of mischievous things
Done in a group being in friends.
Days of supports for each other
In a clashes of fight
Or in a
Sharing a story of first crush
To the ends of your heart that has been crushed.
Friends are the precious gems
Who lift you from the bottom of pain
Making you come to senses.

As times flies with the huddles of life’s
Leaving each other for the reason of theirs
Works & personal life.
It doesn’t means none-off them
Won’t be in touch
After crossing the bounds of time frame
Some are always
Buzzing in group chats
And some are blown away
From roof top.

Remembering all the
Memory stacked from the past moments frame
Making them feel special
To move forward
Carrying a joy and tears
For upcoming challenging game.


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  • 6 months ago

    by Unknown

    Friendship is special and should be cherished. I've always said that true friendship is rare. You've captured friendship within your poem, how it shifts and evolves over time. Some stick around for a lifetime, some come and go, and some are hardly, if ever, heard from again. Great job on your poem. Look forward to reading more of your work!

    • 6 months ago

      by Lucifer

      Thankyou so much