Shrikes & Cuckoos

by Cantchangeme   Aug 21, 2024

The fire started to flicker and fade
In the dark and stormy wood
Can’t see the lights of home in sight
Wouldn’t be welcomed if I could

As I sat beside my nightly guide
And discussed fine cuisines
I told him of all the hopes I held
As he pulled up his jeans

The beasts began to whoop and wail
In the wild and awful trees
He told me the only beast here was me
So lay your head down please

As I lay down near my love dear
Pretending to drift off to sleep
I felt the snakes come slithering
Writhing up from way down deep

He said quiet now the storm will pass
What blue skies morn may bring
What secrets will be left to the forest
When shrikes and cuckoos sing


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