We Tried So Hard to Love

by Leah   Aug 24, 2024

We Tried So Hard to Love

I remember the first time we met,
you walked through the door,
I was already there sitting, waiting.
Now I'm crying out on the floor.

And when you smiled that first date,
wow, it gave me butterflies.
And I thought that this could be fate,
now all I hear is my own wails and cries.

Sitting in the dark, sweet dark all alone.
I'm not sure what I should do,
I keep scrolling through my phone,
looking at old pictures of me and you.

And when I know I'm by myself,
and I can really feel my heart,
it cries out to me strong and bold,
and it tells me that it's been torn apart.

We tried so hard to love.
We tried so hard not to let go.
We tried so hard to keep it all together,
now our hearts will never really know.

And here I am stuck in my past.
Not knowing what I'm doing here,
I want to move on, forget your face,
pretending heartbreak isn't clear.

We tried so hard to love,
that we lost all the good we had.
We missed the mark, could have done better,
now you're happy and I am sad.

We tried so hard to love.
I'm not sure why we tried so long,
we could have fixed things even sooner,
before our new loves ever came along.

I wonder what you both are doing,
are you laying down and holding hands?
Are you caressing all her fingers?
Are you making marriage plans?

We tried so hard to love.
I'm sorry that it ever slipped away.
I never wanted anybody else.
I wish our love could have been true,
I wish it could stay.

Copyright © Leah Larae Dahl. Written for Brett Blommaert, 2024.


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