Trying to impress…….

by Lucifer   Aug 26, 2024

Hello dear!
Hi, who is there?
Are you in my friend circle over here…
Hope you are doing well there….
Hmm, yes I’m!
Sending you cute cute Emoji….
Excuse me….
Bowing arrow of honey bunny text….
And trying to impress
Oh, really…..hmm!
Oh dear
Can I be your cubby hubby teddy bear
Not really…..
With the benefit loaded of lots of love and
Over dose of romances
And understanding mode of Cuddle and huddle required for cultivating of love Muddle
So picky line….
Expressing my feelings for you
As you have became my crush who is online here….
hahaha so funny to hear.
It’s no need to be rush here
You just take your time to blush when I will be with You there….
Oh!really you gone be here…
Slowly and steady you will fall for
My feeling again and again
My dear over here..
Hahahah so confident! Will I?
You will show love in response of my off beat tale Saying my future cutie pie baby-bell…
Let see…..
Oh don’t be so heartless
As it’s becoming uncontrollable here
Heart throbbing feeling for you ready to be share
Cheap tricks.. too catch eye over here
Don’t say such a thing as I can’t seal my baby
Baby love of blue berries ring
Amoieeee baby boy…
Really and deeply saying that you have torched the
Love of red flames
Inside my bottom of heart frame……….
So touchy but sorry I have no words to play such a game…………..


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