I did my time

by Beautiful Tragedy   Sep 5, 2024

Four years was a long time to suffer and man-
I suffered.
I find it hard to believe that you’re so ignorant to my pain that you truly believe that you were good to me.
Screaming obscenities and insulting someone’s body is not being good to them-
You degraded my character and sacrificed what youth I had left for your own pleasure.
Did you ever wake up in the morning and truly feel sorry,
Or was “sorry” just something you’d said because I had demanded it from you?
Your jekyll and Hyde personality was a rollercoaster;
To this day you can still act as though you love me during the day while destroying those
previous actions,
And me with them-
once 2am hits.
Your ability to say one thing while doing the other is unmatched;
Your intentions although doubtful might’ve been pure but one thing is for damn sure-
Your actions never were.
I’ll always wonder what you got out of being so vile.
Like a part of you itched for the downfall of someone with light in their eyes;
You destroyed me over the same reasons you fell in love with me for and now-
You’re going to do it to someone else.
But four years is a long time for someone to suffer and darling-
I suffered tremendously.
And it’s sad-
Because the end of my suffering means the beginning of someone else’s but;
That’s not my problem to bare now is it?
I did my time.


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