I know I am

by Beautiful Tragedy   Sep 5, 2024

If you asked me why I love him-
I’d tell you it’s because he’s just simply amazing.
But if you asked me on a deeper level;
I’d tell you it’s because he loves me effortlessly, and without specific reason.
He saw me in the aftermath of the most Brutal storm I’d ever walked in-
My heart was broken and my soul was angry.
Days spent in the dirt as my body rocked with sobs over the loss of my dad;
Mental escapism to bare the unfathomable pain of the last four years I’d just endured,
But he still pointed at me and said “I want this one.”
He responded to the damaged goods comments with “I take her how she is” as he picked me up from the mud-
and carried me to a bed with the softest sheets I had ever laid in.
I was scared;
Terrified really but the gentleness of his soul never dissipated as he spent the last 6 months showing me what it is like to be whole heartedly loved.
He’s taught me that no matter how broken you are-
You are worthy of love and kindness and it’s beautiful really;
How love and kindness is so powerful-
that it will unbreak you.
So if you ask me why I love him,
I’d tell you that it’s because he’s just simply amazing.
But if you ask me on a deeper level-
I’d tell you it’s because he’s a man who saw a broken woman and decided that she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
And because of him-
I know that I am.


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